Tuesday, 7 February 2012

hello today i will be talking about mr. hollywood
mr hollywood is at the top of the corparate ladder of sellbots and i have seen him the vp battle [man i hate level 12s] and in mr hollywood cog invasions .
yesmen and glad handers look almost exactly the same but the mister hollywood is much much taller than glad handers and yesmen
here are all of there starting  battle phrases
i am ready to roll your end credits
todaythe role of the defeated toon will be played by... you!
lights camera action!
i told you not to call me
are you ready for your final scene?
i hope you dont forget your lines
this scene will go on the cutting room floor
theres no buisness like it
lets start rolling
their gag weaknes  is whole fruit pie because the filling gets stuck in their teeth

a mr hollywood in a mr hollywood cog
 cog invasion

so bye bye toons reading i have to go seeya

prince fangs fuzzyspinner

Saturday, 4 February 2012

today i will be talking about THE BIG CHEESE
the big cheese is my favourite cog of all cogs
the big cheese is also at the top of the corparate ladder of bossbots
they can only be found in the top levels of tough cog buildings the ceo battle big cheese invasions and in the front three the back nine and the middle six in bossbot hq.
it is impossible to find this cog on the street except when theres a the big cheese invasion on the district you are playing on.
big cheeses are the only bossbot in the entire game of toontown in the worldand i mean the only cog that can reach level 12. you cant find a the big cheese in the entire game of toontown that has a level lower then 9 and a level higher than 12 in the whole of toontown.

a big cheese i minnies melodyland

well  i better get going,  you never know when theres going to be a the big cheese  invaion   happenig on your district so i guess that means good night folks! seeya tomorrow night australian time for my next update on my blog tommorow night so goodbye until my next update.

prince fangs fuzzyspinner

Friday, 3 February 2012

if you have seen my last blog you have probably pieced together that i am going to talk about ......wait for it ..... COGS!!!!!!
most of you toons know that cogs are boring robots that love work and dont have any and i mean any sense of humor you read this this right no sense of humor whatsoever.
the only thing that can stop cogs are gags yes gags i no it is sounds silly but because cogs dont have a sense of humor and gags crack them up so when they laugh they explode.
so anyway cogs take over  toon  buildings and turn them into boring company buildings.
you can defeat cog buildings by defeating the cogs inside the building. to defeat the cogs  you will have to go in the elevators youll find out the rest you should get a group of toons to help you with the building for you.

complete cog gallery

so anyway theres a boarding group with my name on it i guess that means bye folks!

prince fangs fuzzyspiner.
today ill be discussing ... GAGS!
gags as you all now gags are used to crack cogs* up thus making them explode
you can only get level 1 to level 7 gags.*
all level  7 gags target all cogs/toons even drop!
gags are earned by getting xp for a certian gag track. you can get xp by using gags. how much xp you get depends on what level your gag is***you start off with throw and squirt then you get sound/toonup drop/toonup/sound ect

so that concludes it for another day folks oh yes, please plz plz plz plz comment on the toontown review!

prince fangs fuzzyspinner
geyser [level 7 squirt gag]

*disscusing cogs in next post:)
**you can only get level 7 gags with gag trees and 500 xp points
***level one 1xp level 2xp level 3 3xp ect.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

hey toon fans today ill be talking about ... THE FACTORY!
first a walkthrough
first go through the door and avoid the goons eyebeam then youll find three random cogs [telemarketers, name droppers mover & shakers and glad handers.
then go left or right if you go right there will be three skelecogs 2 level 5s and 1 level 6
then go up the stairs and through a door and youll see a group of goons and a locked door go opposite of it then go up the stairs and defeat the four cogs ounce defeated press the red button to unlock the door and press the orange buttons to activate the stompers and destroy the goons. then take one of the doors and hop on the elevator. defeat the three cogs.go to the control room.  go to south/east platform and defeat the cogs there press button go to center silo defeat forman.anyway i completed 10 factory and got promoition so i need help with vp.
sellbot factory entrance

prince fangs fuzzyspinner

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

the toontown review

hey toons out there! if youre wondering my toons name is prince fangs fuzzyspinner. if you see me you can tell me that your a fan anytime my friends list is full so i cant get fans as friends :( . oh yes if you need to go to the factory dont be shy to ask me for help:
ill help ya with the factory anytime as long as you have  toonup cause i only have 38 laff . oh yes i cant go in the mint da office or cog golf courses because i only have the gags whistle whole cream pie cream pie seltzer bottle and water pistole:( so anyway i gotta go i need that cog suit.seeya till my next update on the blog

prince fangs fuzzyspinner