Thursday, 2 February 2012

hey toon fans today ill be talking about ... THE FACTORY!
first a walkthrough
first go through the door and avoid the goons eyebeam then youll find three random cogs [telemarketers, name droppers mover & shakers and glad handers.
then go left or right if you go right there will be three skelecogs 2 level 5s and 1 level 6
then go up the stairs and through a door and youll see a group of goons and a locked door go opposite of it then go up the stairs and defeat the four cogs ounce defeated press the red button to unlock the door and press the orange buttons to activate the stompers and destroy the goons. then take one of the doors and hop on the elevator. defeat the three cogs.go to the control room.  go to south/east platform and defeat the cogs there press button go to center silo defeat forman.anyway i completed 10 factory and got promoition so i need help with vp.
sellbot factory entrance

prince fangs fuzzyspinner

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